Traveling made me selective. Made be appreciate this little moments. Made me tolerant. Made me feel without a reason and made me hear goodbye for a reason.
We all have our destinations and something special to do in this world. And recently my stranger's friends called me "idealistic".
Without even noticing, we quickly get used to comfort and to anything that won’t require much work. Specially if we’re within what I call a system.
The one who never dared to follow an impossible path, will never feel the difference of having done it.
It's being a long time that I don't write anything in english.
Finally the WST is about to start in 2 weeks and Spain is my first country!
The cover of the next magazine "Visão Vida & Viagens" have my sketch from Lisboa, Rua da Bica!
Inside will have all the information about the WST and sketches.
The idea was going to Morocco to draw an illustrated guide book. The thing went good but unfortunately, my trip in Morocco ended early that i was waiting for.
Christmas Eve is always at my parents home. The dinner is the typical codfish with cabbage, olive oil and vinegar!