Several sketches

Sketches I did a while a go...

6234781749 fc1db862f0 bHospital “Santa Cruz”

6234781461 077f3cc47d b

6235306004 d4eff4f299 bCarcavelos beach

6235306776 b92707a6e3 bMy work colleagues: Bloom Graphics – SIC

Luís Simões
Luís Simões

In 2012 I started a World Sketching Tour and since then, this has been my lifestyle. More intense, more for others, more open on how to look and judge. The tour made me get out of routines and safe places, which often leave me numb just seeing life go by slowly. Sketching has aroused my curiosity for “what will it be like on the other side of the mountain?”.

Articles: 202